Monday, November 23, 2009

Covini C6W: Freak Sports car

This car is a six whells car it makes don’t let you stay in your virtual world as presents you with a real freak that takes pride in running on six wheel, substance with a tinge of machismo.It looks very nice car and it is so fast car to burn your road.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Who is responsible for the identity theft?

Under the current laws the most responsible for the identity theft is the person who will have the identity or us because n giving your identity without thinking it is like an gullible one. and we have to change our behavior in keeping our identity. no we are aware in the incedent. You have to clarify if it is true or not.
The approprite punishment for identity thieves the thieves ill pay 5 times to the money that thay taken from the victims and 5 years in the prison.
Given the international nature of the internet thieves be handled by reporting to the compony or to the server to bannned the thieves .My advice to the credit card holder if thier is a case like asking your identity you have to clarify the compony who ill ask your identity so that e can prevent the identity thieves.